The Life Plan Advantage

A smart investment.

Download Life Plan Brochure

Peace of Mind

If you’ve looked at the cost of senior living and health care, you know there’s a lot to consider. It’s also why Life Plan Communities — like The Harborside — continue to gain in popularity. As the area’s first and only not-for-profit Life Plan Community, you won’t find a more practical option anywhere else in Nassau County.

That’s because our Life Care contract is simply the smartest and easiest way to ensure you’re prepared if you or your spouse ever need long-term care, giving you peace of mind while you continue leading your present carefree lifestyle.


Life Plan Benefits

Consider these benefits and advantages that are available to you only at The Harborside, including:

  • Well-designed, maintenance-free residential living
  • Elegant, upscale amenities
  • Convenient and thoughtful hospitality services
  • Many opportunities for lifelong learning
  • Flexible entrance fee options to help you protect and preserve your estate
  • A full complement of services in return for a one-time, highly refundable entrance fee and monthly fee
  • A portion of your entrance fee and monthly fees may be tax-deductible (consult your personal tax advisor)
  • A solid plan that helps protect against life’s what-ifs with priority access to quality on-site long-term care, including assisted living, memory care, rehabilitation services, skilled nursing and hospice
  • Predictable monthly service fee that remains virtually the same throughout all levels of care

To download our brochure explaining all the benefits and value of a Life Plan Community, just fill in your name and email. 

Download the Life Plan Brochure

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